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- Stuffing My Face, WITH AUTHORITY!
Seriously, I wasn’t expecting to do what my title suggests anytime soon. I worked so hard to maintain my weight and all it took was just an hour to gain the three kilos I lost this morning. The day started at 8.30 when I remembered I was supposed to be in the gym which was under my uncle’s apartment at 9. I woke my brother up who was beside me, brushed our teeth and headed for some invigorating exercise. After lifting some weights and performing at least 60 sit-ups later, we saw two small kids playing badminton, WITH THEIR FOOTBALL AT THE SIDE.
Isaiah: Eh, those two got a ball le.
Caleb: Go ask them to lend it to us la.
Isaiah: What the heck. You wanna kick a ball near the car park
Caleb: Then you tell me they got ball for what?
Isaiah: You got a point. JOM! *walks over and politely asks
for the ball*
Haha. I immediately fooled around with the ball the moment I got it and after some nagging and shouting from the security guard later, the two little kids came over to join us for a scrimmage or rather, just kicking the ball around. We had to wait till 11 before we could step into the basketball court and practice. So we waited for half-an-hour while playing with the ball and sadly, the two boys had to leave by 10.45. As soon as they left, my brother went up to get us some water while I waited patiently for him. AS IF. I paced around and kept looking at my phone to check the time. Once the time turned 11, I immediately threw the ball onto the court and went through the paces. Practice is always the best because not only it helps me improve, it also allows me to relax and be myself without other people looking on. Anyway, my brother and I managed to get a game of “Turtle” and “H.O.R.S.E” before it started pouring. When we got back, our stomachs started to growl due to hunger and the worse part was, we had to hold it back as we were going for a huge dinner tonight. A buffet-style dinner. Something like Seoul Garden, I guess. Only cheaper. We practically wasted our time till 4.30 in the evening before we went out for some shopping and then our main event of the day. I found out something new about myself which I never knew till now. Never, NEVER keep me hungry. I realised that I will get into a bad mood if I am in a stage of total hunger. Haha. Imagine not eating since 9 p.m the night before till 8 p.m. on the current day. That’s like 23 hours without food. No wonder I’m grumpy. So when we arrived at the restaurant, we sat down, looked at each other, I gave a big grin at my parents and I immediately disappeared. Hehe. I came back holding two plates laden with food and tucked them in gratefully. Ahh, the satisfaction of having delicious food filling your empty stomach. I practically had my mouth full for 45 minutes, devouring every single piece of grub that could be found on the table. At the end of the dinner, I felt so full, I couldn’t even move. I had to force myself to walk around just to help the digestion. However, I don’t really feel like returning to the same place after this dinner. I think my appetite has grown smaller ever since I went to KL. I used to eat a lot and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. 4 plates of rice and noodles in a single sitting, is CRAZY. Yeah, that was me 2 years back. Haha. So I quickly weighed myself the moment I got back.
Isaiah: *steps on the weighing scale*
*scale moves to reading*
Isaiah: WOOHOO! Didn’t gain more than 5 kilos man!
I was seriously surprised to see my weight being at only 70 kilos after eating that much. On the contrary, my brother gained almost 5 kilos after eating tonight. Haha. I guess it’s back to the gym and basketball tomorrow. It’s good exercise for those who want to be slim and fit. Haha. Cousins are meeting up with me tomorrow. I hope things will turn out to be fun.