Posted by : Isaiah 4 Mar 2014

Recently, I came across a very interesting phrase in a book that I’m currently trying to finish. It goes “Sometimes, it is infinitely harder to live than to die.” As much as I hate to admit it, what he wrote is really the stone cold truth of the world today in which only the strong survive. This is the reason why some individuals eventually succumb to the intense pressure and give up halfway by taking what they presume is the “best” way out. As a matter of fact, suicide is actually, what most of us would definitely agree, a cowardly and irresponsible act. While it is definitely easy for you to just jump off a 9-storey building or to go into eternal sleep thanks to pills or even jump in front of moving truck, life doesn’t just come to a full-stop for those who are around you. They’re the ones who will have to pick up the pieces, be it literally or figuratively, and they’ll be the ones who will have to bear the responsibilities that you choose to leave behind. However, I believe and sincerely hope that none of you who are reading this are contemplating on carrying out such a horrendous act. I’m actually here to give my two-cents on the stage before getting to the point of no return which is “giving up”. As a teenager, I’ve come across quite a number of situations which were quite difficult to overcome at some point but I do not dare to claim that I’ve seen them all. Some of you might have probably experienced far worse than I could ever imagine and I pray that you manage to find strength to deal with them. Occasionally, when I find myself stuck with a problem that I can’t find a way around, I tend to just sit and shut down. As positive as I may seem on the outside, it should not be surprising that even I have negative thoughts racing through my noggin in trying times. I usually end up with statements like, “What’s the purpose of doing this anyway? Even those better than me have tried and failed, what more about me?” or “Just give up. It wouldn’t make much of a difference after all.” It is only until I recall a very inspirational story that I pick myself back up and continue to try and break through the barrier that’s blocking my path at that particular moment. If you don’t mind reading, let me share that story with you.

A man was walking along a beach one day when the tide of the ocean was at its lowest and he saw that at least thousands of starfishes had been washed ashore. He continued along his way until he came across a little boy and was fascinated by the boy’s actions. Instead of playing with the starfishes like how most kids would, the boy was actually took one, returned it into the water and repeated his actions with each starfish that he picked up.  The man sneered at his childish thinking and tried to discourage the boy by telling him that there were at least a few thousand of them on the beach and that it would not make difference. The boy continued on with his activity quietly and after returning the starfish that he was holding in his hands into the water, he turned to the man and said, “Well, sir, I’m sure I made a difference for that little guy.”

It’s entirely up to you what moral lesson(s) you’d want to pick out from that story. For me, it was “Do not give up trying to solve whatever problem you’re facing even when people around you are telling you that you can’t do it.” Some of them are afraid that they might lose out to you if you manage to achieve what they couldn’t, which is why they try the best they can to get you onto the bandwagon so that you can be just like them. Many successful people in the world have failed but they eventually end up at the top of the ladder just because they chose to give their all instead of giving it all up even when those surrounding them decided to ditch them in times of need. Ultimately, you will be the one who decides if you’ll be at the bottom, middle or top rung. Never let others decide what’s best for you because at the end of the day, you are the pilot of your plane and not the passenger of your own flight through life.

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